Friday, December 17, 2010

Grendel's Last Thoughts

I had finally found someone who could stop me, and I knew this was the end. This is it I finally felt the one thing I had never experienced before, and that was fear. The last thing that went through my mind was wanting to get as far away as possible. When Beowulf grabbed me it was the first time that I had ever been intimidated. I knew that I had been beaten and there was nothing I could do to get away, his grip was to strong for me to get away. Nobody has ever had the strength to hold me down like he had. I knew for once that I had been beaten for the final time. I had been a failure all of my life and killing was the one thing I had not failed at but for the first time in my life I had failed at killing. Below is a link to a video of The Battle of Beowulf and Grendel.