Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Grendel's Terror

I terrorized this kingdom for twelve years now trying to take revenge on the men that turned me away as a boy. I would be sure to kill every last one of them. Hrothgar and his people would pay for the pain that they made me go through. Every night I sneak into the kingdom and kill whomever I can get to first. I lost count of all of the people that I have killed from this kingdom, but I do know every night I kill more and more. At first one was enough to satisfy me, but as I repeatedly killed every night one was no longer enough. I wanted to kill more and more everyday, and I knew at this point there was no turning back I was a monster and there was nothing anyone could do to stop me. Now all of the kingdom feared me and they knew who I was. The people of the kingdom could not sleep for days at a time, and as soon as they fell asleep I would snatch them up and kill them.

Grendel's Childhood

When I was young I had no one to look after me. I would go exploring all over the place. I would go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I had no to trust and I had no one to care for me. I had no brothers or sisters. My family and I were insulted all of the time. I had no friends, and I was walking through this world alone. I had no idea about life or what I was going to be. I tried to become one of the humans and leave my people, but when I did the men turned on me and sent me away. So I then returned to my home and would seek revenge on the men that would not let me be apart of them. I knew from that moment on what I would be in life. I would be the one everybody feared and I would kill everyone who ever treated me wrong. There would be no one on this earth to stop me. I was tired of being put down and criticized.

Grendel's Life

I never knew exactly how I wanted to live my life. I encountered a bull that tried to attack me using the same methods repeatedly. It was at this moment that I developed the idea that the world was disorderly. That led me to think, how should I live my life? From that moment on I would live my life as a destroyer killing whoever came in my way and killing whoever I wanted. I knew I was a monster and I started killing more and more. One person was not enough I wanted to kill more and more people everynight. It was an addiction and there was nothing that could stop me. I knew there was nothing in this world that could stop me. I would make humans fear me and I would kill at night just for the pleasure of it. I would not be stopped and could not be stopped.